Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

3.08 Upgrade your project

Upgrade your project with more drums and more backdrops as you play more amazing venues.

There are lots more drum costumes to choose from to add more upgrades to your project.

To add another drum to upgrade to, look back at the earlier steps of the project.

For the drum, you will need to:

Duplicate the previous drum sprite and add two costumes.

Change the costume and sound used in the when this sprite clicked script.

Change the number of beats earned in the when this sprite clicked script.

Change the message that makes the drum show to a message for the new drum.

For the button, you will need to:

Duplicate the previous Get sprite.

Change the message that makes the button appear to the message broadcast by the previous drum.

Change the costume including the cost of the new drum.

Change the number of beats you must have to get this drum in the if condition. Change the negative number of beats you change by when you get this drum. Change the message that gets broadcast to the name of the new drum.

For the venue, you will need to:

Add a new backdrop.

Add a script to the Stage to switch backdrop to the new backdrop when the message for this drum is receieved.

You might find that your drums need to be in a new position on a different backdrop.

Add script starting with when backdrop changes to to each drum sprite with a go to block to make them change position.

You will also need to set their starting position when flag clicked.

Tidy: If you have time, then it’s a good idea to make sure the sprites in the sprite list are in a sensible order, starting with the drums in their upgrade order and then the buttons in order.

Debug: First make sure you really understand when the drums and buttons should show and how the beats variable should change. It’s much easier to debug a project if you are clear on what it is supposed to do.

Unless it is the first drum, your drum should have a when flag clicked script to hide. And it should have a when I receive this drum script to show.

Check that the Get button for this drum broadcasts the same message.

Unless the button is for the very first drum, then it should hide when flag clicked. And it should show  when I receive the message for the previous drum. The Get button should show to let the player know about the next upgrade they are working towards.

Check that you have changed the number of beats needed when this sprite clicked in the script for the Get button for the drum.

Check that you have changed beats by a negative number when this sprite clicked in the script for the Get button for the drum.

Make sure this matches the number on the drum button costume.

You can view the completed project here.

