Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

1.08 Upgrade your project

How will you expand your magical world? You could:

  • Add more characters
  • Add different sound and visual effects to the wand.
  • Add more spells — you could make characters disappear and reappear with hide and show, apply visual effects or turn them upside down.

Why not swap characters with a friend? First, swap project links with a friend to see each other’s sprites. To save their sprites, use your Scratch backpack or download the sprites to a shared area. Then go back to your project and add the saved sprites.

  • You can use your Scratch Backpack to store costumes, sprites, sounds, and scripts that you want to copy between projects.
  • You can only access your own Backpack, and you must be logged in to your Scratch account to use it.
  • To open your Backpack, click on the Backpack tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • To add a sprite to your Backpack, drag the sprite from the Sprite list to the Backpack. This will store the full sprite in your Backpack, including all of its costumes, sounds, and scripts.
  • To add a backdrop to your Backpack, select the Stage pane and click on the Backdrops tab, then choose the backdrop that you want and drag it to your Backpack.
  • To use an item in your Backpack in another project, open the project and drag the item from the Backpack to the correct pane or tab.
  • To delete an item in your Backpack, find the item in the Backpack tab, then right-click (or on a tablet, tap and hold) on the item and select delete.
  • You can hide your Backpack when you are not using it. To do this, click on the Backpack tab at the bottom of the screen.

You can save sprites to your computer by downloading them from your project. Right-click on a sprite in the Sprite list and choose export.

To load a sprite into a project, choose the ‘Upload a Sprite’ option from the ‘Choose a Sprite’ menu.

Create more spells with a friend and add them to your characters. Decide on which spells to create. Make sure you both use exactly the same name for the messages you broadcast.

You can view the completed project here.

