Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

3.03 Starter drum

You will add a cymbal sprite that you can click to earn beats and play a sound.

Click Choose a Sprite and search cymbal. Add the Drum-cymbal sprite to your project.

Position your cymbal on the Stage:

Add the Music extension:

To use the Music blocks in Scratch, you need to add the Music extension.

  • Click on the Add extension button in the bottom left-hand corner.
add extension button highlighted
  • Click on the Music extension to add it.
music extension highlighted
  • The Music section then appears at the bottom of the blocks menu.

Add a script to make the cymbal switch costume and play a drum sound:

Test: Test your cymbal by clicking on it. Make sure you hear a sound and see the costume change.

The Drum-cymbal sprite will earn you one beat each time you click it.

Create a variable called beats:

Add a block to change beats by 1 when the Drum-cymbal sprite is clicked:

Test: Test the Drum-cymbal by clicking on it and watch the beats increase.

The beats variable needs to start at 0 beats when you start a new game.

Click on the Stage pane and then the Code tab to add code to the Stage.

Add a block to set beats to 0:

Test: Click the green flag and make sure your beats variable starts at 0.

