Scratch Silver III
Scratch Silver II
1 of 3

3.01 You will make

Create a game in which you have to find a hidden bug 🐞 on each level. The game will have ‘start’ and ‘end’ screen backdrops, and a timer ⌚ to show the player how quickly they found the bugs.

You will:

  • Create levels for your game using next backdrop and when backdrop switches to blocks
  • Use a forever loop to keep running code blocks
  • Use the timer variable to let the player know how quickly they found the bugs

Play ▶️

Click on the bug to start the game.

Try to find the bug on each level.

How well are the bugs hidden? You will get to add your own levels and make it as easy or difficult as you like.

More than 2.5 billion people play video games every year. Just think how many people are involved in creating those games. Would you like a job designing, coding, or testing games for other people to play?

